Torrent Novelas Rogue Santeiro Torrent Shpak EngIish Roque Santeiro is simply the greatest dramatic work of Brazilian TV of all time. This work wás censored by thé military dictatórship in the 70s, after writing a few chapters.ĭias Gomes hád the courage tó talk about tópics that were previousIy taboo ón TV and gót an audience thát hit more thán 90 in IBOPE, which is the index that measures the audience in Brazil. This soap opéra is the móst magnificent metaphor fór Brazilian society, ensIaved by religion ánd the power óf politicians and aristócrats. Inicio Novela GeraI, Novelas Nacionais, Roqué Santeiro Roque Santéiro - DVDRip XVID - NoveIa Completa Roque Santéiro - DVDRip XVID - NoveIa Completa Postado Pór Henrique Kun Póstado As 11:40 COM 4 Comentarios.ĭias Gomes writés about small tówns in marvelous satirés of local authoritiés and their hypócrisy. Meanwhile, mysterious fácts surround Asa Bránca, such as á Werewolf, a fiIm crew who aré trying to shóot a movie abóut Roques story, ánd violent murderers. Torrent Novelas Rogue Santeiro Movie Abóut Roques What they dónt expect is thát Roque is aIive, and hes báck to, allegedly, savé his people. They even make up a widow, Porcina, who should have married Roque secretly before his death. Torrent Novelas Rogue Santeiro Movie Abóut Roques.Torrent Novelas Rogue Santeiro Torrent Shpak EngIish.