
Fringing field in microstrip patch antenna radiation
Fringing field in microstrip patch antenna radiation

fringing field in microstrip patch antenna radiation

The SDLC protocol will use only an 8 bit address.The SS7 protocol, which is used in point-to-point links, does not use an address field at all.The first bit in the Address field indicates if the frame is a unicast or multicast message.A zero in the MSB bit location indicates a unicast message the remaining bits indicate the destination node address.A one in the MSB bit location indicates multicast message, the remaining bits indicate the group address. A zero in this bit location indicates the continuation of the field. A one residing in the LSB bit indicates that the length of the address field will be 8 bits long.

fringing field in microstrip patch antenna radiation

In many cases the address field is typically just a single byte, but an Extended Address bit may be used allowing for multi-byte addresses. The length of the address field depends on the data link layer protocol used, but is normally 0, 8 or 16 bits in length.

Fringing field in microstrip patch antenna radiation